Safe Truck


Safe Truck Project

 Alaska Freedom Fighter’s goal is to educate every CDL Driver across the state of Alaska on the topic of Human Trafficking. We want drivers to be educated and aware of the growing problem in our communities. Because CDL Drivers are in high areas where traffickers sell their victims, we realized that if we educate, train, and equip truckers, that we could actually make a big difference in combating human trafficking.

This is why we created Project Safe Truck.

Every CDL Student that receives Trucker Freedom Fighter training and completes an extensive fingerprinting/background check, will receive a Safe Truck Decal to apply to the side of their truck. It will be a visible beacon of light, hope, contact and safe refuge to anyone in need of immediate help. The driver will be able to make a phone call to a specific team of people like, the hotline, police and crisis teams in the area that have specific training, information and know the exact steps to take to help rescue a victim.