Operation broken sparrow

Operation Broken Sparrow is a division of Alaska Anti-Trafficking Coalition. We want families, businesses, organizations and churches to be educated on human trafficking. There are real predators out there and they know exactly how to lure your kids and loved ones away. Using force, fraud and coercion, through methods of online gaming, friendship, social media, romance, runaways and youth groups. We as parents and a community now more than ever need to be in the know about how to identify a trafficker and recognize behavioral changes in our loved ones quickly that might be the results of a trafficker grooming/operating in their life.

Operation Broken Sparrow is designed to teach you Red Flags to look for, safe gaming practices, social media protection, trafficker code language, how to identify a victim and how to identify a trafficker.

We also train churches on how to set up a Trauma Team so that when a person of any trauma comes in for help you are trained, educated, know your community resources and are ready to assist people in need of immediate help.

Victims of human trafficking are all around us. They desperately need us to recognize the signs, see them, and make the call. Most victims cannot be rescued without being noticed by an individual and reported. It is extremely important to educate yourself, your business staff, your church and your family members about human trafficking.

Our training for businesses is geared towards training and equipping staff how to identify Red Flags, which kind of human trafficking they might be witnessing, and how to report it safely.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule a training.